Department of Technical Diagnosis

Trưởng phòng: Lê Khánh Toàn
Điện thoại: 02437624117
Email: [email protected]

Lực lượng cán bộ

Lực lượng nghiên cứu gồm 7 cán bộ, trong đó có 01 GS.TSKH, 03 tiến sĩ, 02 thạc sỹ và 1 NCV.

    TSKH. Nguyễn Tiến Khiêm
    Lê Khánh Toàn
    Phạm Văn Bạch Ngọc
    Hoàng Minh Tuấn
    Nguyễn Thị Thảo
    Nguyễn Thị Lan
    Hà Thành Ngọc



    Modelling of complex structures and materials in the Vietnam environment.

Monitoring and assessing the technical condition and quality of structures, especially offshore structures
    Experimental methods in structural dynamics and mechanics of materials

Capabilities and Equipment

    Modern systems for measuring and analysing vibration and acoustic signals;
    Systems for measuring and analysing the dynamic deformation of structures;
    Software for calculating wave, wind and current loads acting on structures; analysis (static, dynamic and spectral) of structures with defects; structural identification.

Major Achievements
    Participation and responsibility in performing several projects in the national programs “Marine Investigation and Survey” in the period 19901995, 19952000, 20012005; in the ministry program "Marine Investigation and Offshore Structures". Responsible for the projects "Identification of Mechanical System" and "Theoretical and Experimental Basics for the Technical Diagnosis of Structures" in Fundamental

Research Programs in Mechanics.
    Development and implementation in practice of the technology for technical assessment of structures using the mechanical effects such as vibration, elastic waves and ultra sonic...
    Obtaining important results in the modelling of structures with different defects, structural behaviour under random loads and structural identification,
    Developing a technology for measurement and dataprocessing of vibration and dynamic deformation of structures